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大国医者 国医名师——关智全

大国医者 国医名师——关智全


Traditional Chinese medicine is a unique medical science created by the working people in China in the long-term practice of prevention and treatment of diseases. The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture must be rooted in the masses, so that ordinary people can know more about traditional Chinese medicine and get used to using traditional Chinese medicine, so that traditional Chinese medicine culture can truly enter the grassroots and benefit the people. The characteristics and advantages of TCM, constantly explore, summarize experience, and effectively promote the scientific development of TCM cause.


In recent years of continuous exploration and practice, GuanZhiQuan teacher rich clinical experience, positive response to the traditional culture of traditional Chinese medicine, with a action of traditional Chinese medicine to promote the world of traditional Chinese medicine, the ancestors left the precious wealth inheritance, good development, good use of good, truly in the construction of healthy China, realize the Chinese dream great journey write new glorious chapter

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大国医者 国医名师——关智全


Guan Zhiquan is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, an expert, national professional physician, national intangible culture inheritor. Male, born in August 1951, born in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China, a family of Traditional Chinese medicine, descendant of Guan Gong, is the 59th grandson of Guan Gong, the eighth descendant of Guan family, the leader, studying medicine at the age of eight, practicing medicine at the age of twelve. He has obtained the certificates of attending physician, professional physician, expert, master of Chinese medicine and famous teacher, and participated in national and world-class high-level academic forums for many times.

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一 特治:“腰椎、颈椎、间盘突出”。用祖传四百多年历史的特技手法,对腰椎、颈椎、间盘突出,不手术,不牵引,不按摩,四两拨千斤,不需要特殊场地、设备、众多人员,只用医生的一双手。对突出的病灶,两手对挤,一捏复位,即可解除疼痛,不需住院,随治随走,手法轻巧无痛苦。简、便、快、捷,立竿见影,广大患者乐于接受。50多年来,经治疗的20余万例国内外腰椎、颈椎、间盘突出患者均已康复,被誉为杏林奇人。

1 Special treatment: "lumbar, cervical, intervertebral disc herniation". With the history of more than 400 years of stunts, the lumbar spine, cervical vertebra, intervertebral disc herniation, no surgery, no traction, no massage, four two thousand jin, no need for special venues, equipment, many personnel, only a doctor's hands. To the prominent lesion, two hands to squeeze, a pinch reset, can relieve the pain, do not need to be hospitalized, with the treatment, light technique without pain. Simple, convenient, fast, quick, immediate results, the majority of patients are willing to accept. For more than 50 years, more than 200,000 cases of lumbar, cervical and intervertebral disc herniation have recovered, and are known as the Xinglin strange people.


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2. Good at: "poison buried Dan (sore disease method)"

With folk metaphysics ancient method, to the body specific meridians, acupoints window, open the sun be the spirit, through the effect of medicine, increase antibody strong immunity, upright, poison move sore, balance of Yin and Yang, regulate qi and blood, internal disease and cure, cure, cure, conditioning, gather energy, poison Dan, disease method, to the body of the viscera poison, stasis, tumor, through the effect of Dan medicine, dredge detoxification and alleviate the condition and conditioning method.

This law is applicable to all kinds of malignant boils, carbuncle, mouth sores, partial ulcer, etc., and used in advanced tumor and metastasis, such as, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, thyroid nodules, carbuncle, thyroid cancer, mastitis, breast nodules, hyperplasia, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, ascites, gallbladder disease, prostate hypertrophy, hyperplasia and cancer, cancer, bladder cancer, bowel cancer, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst and cancer, pelvic disease are applicable to this method, detoxification, decompression and conditioning.

3. And treatment: hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Coronary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, stroke hemiplegia, a variety of advanced tumors. Barrier anemia, leukemia, psoriasis, all kinds of gynecological diseases, all kinds of pain, pain, femoral head necrosis, rheumatism, rheumatoid, gout, sciatica, all pain and bone pain, trigeminal neuralgia, infertility, senile dementia, gastrointestinal disease, vasulitis burn, stones, ulcers long healing, bedsore, poison, regulate tumor, hemorrhoids oral one minute painless green treatment, depression, depression, brain blood insufficiency, knee synovitis, bursa, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain disease. Both are unique.

In July 2015, he went abroad on behalf of Chinese smart Chinese medicine and accompanied President Xi Jinping to Russia for free treatment

Guan Gong a pinch spirit stunt, abandoned red Russia, for the country for the light, deepened the friendship between China and Russia.

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2015年10月,关公一捏灵被评为“非物质文化遗产传承人”In October 2015, Guan Gongyi was named "Inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage"

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2016年3月,在习主席一带一路的领导下,坚持立足周边、睦邻、安邻、富邻的国策下,在国家卫生部组织安排下,又代表中国中医赴马来西亚、东南亚、韩国、泰国、文莱等,与16个国家进行了高层论坛学术交流。2016年10月,他被北京电视台邀请央视节目“约吧掌上良医” 健康讲座。

In March 2016, under the leadership of President Xi Belt and Road, adhering to the national policy of neighboring, neighborly, secure and prosperous neighbors, and under the arrangement of the Ministry of Health, he went to Malaysia, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Thailand, Brunei and other countries for high-level academic exchanges with 16 countries. In October 2016, he was invited by BTV to give a health lecture on the CCTV program "About Bar, Palm and Good Doctor".

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In September 2019, at the invitation of the Thai government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged to see the Thai king and senior leaders, which was well received.

"Lumbar disc herniation method to cure", "Guan Gong a pinch spirit" Guan Zhiquan "a pinch reduction" to treat "lumbar, cervical disc herniation".


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In September 2019, at the invitation of the Thai government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged to see the Thai king and senior leaders, which was well received.

"Lumbar disc herniation method to cure", "Guan Gong a pinch spirit" Guan Zhiquan "a pinch reduction" to treat "lumbar, cervical disc herniation".

"For lumbar cervical disc protrusion": by the master of traditional Chinese medicine, national physician teacher, a pinch experts, guan injury eighth generation, national genetic bearing, GuanZhiQuan experts visit Beijing good wonderful hall, guan ancestral stunt treatment of cervical vertebra, lumbar disc protrusion mechanism, spinal structure: and the role of the disc, the human body a total of 33 vertebrae, 23 intervertebral disc, the role of the disc: connect the upper and lower two vertebrae, stable joint, play a role. Reduce the body impact force. The intervertebral disc is composed of collagen soft tissue composed of fiber ring, nucleus pulposus, and elastic cartilage cushion. Under normal circumstances, to maintain the stable physiological function of the body. We adopt conservative treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, with ancestral skills, no surgery, traction, massage, four two dial one thousand jins, the prominent lesions, hand touch heart, outside knead tendon Dan, make the local adhesion tissue ease, meridians, home, light touch, instant shear, a pinch reset, raised relief, depression dislocation recovery, side bending, reach Yin pingyang dense, spirit is cure, balance of Yin and Yang, meridian, qi and blood coordination back to normal. This method has no pain, no risk, the patient in the case of no pain, instantly a defense reduction, when heard the tramp sound, can relieve the pain, light, simple and effective, no pain without treatment, without hospitalization, with the body function exercise, can be recovered, small cost, no risk, no trauma. In 2015, on behalf of the president, he went to Russia for free treatment and 16 neighboring countries, winning glory for the country. More than 200,000 domestic and cervical patients treated for more than 60 years have recovered. And for many patients about to face surgery to avoid the suffering of surgery, or surgery sequelae patients have relieved the pain, known as the Xinglin strange people. Welcome friends to forward the Gospel, welcome to make an appointment.

Address: First floor, Unit 4, Building 9, West Family, Shenghui South Road, Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province.

Doctor Guan: 13453376748,15935962544

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