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国医泰斗—— 张延德 National medical master —— Zhang Yande


National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande


Traditional Chinese medicine culture is a treasure of Chinese civilization for. thousands of years,and..has madein.delible contributions to the development of Chinaand..even the world. Traditional Chinese medicine culture is an important embodiment of China's cultural soft power. In the new era, we should let the excellent traditional Chinese medicine culture shine. Inor.der to reviveand..inherit the millennium culture of traditional Chinese medicineand..respond to the national "healthy China" strategy, we specially report some TCM talents who have made outstanding contributions to the protection of people's healthin. the development of health undertakings. This special report is on Zhang Yande, the master.of Traditional Chinese medicine.

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande


Introduction of Zhang Yande

张延德(1962年3月生)男,汉族,湖北宜昌人,毕业于北京光明中医学院,教授。国家重点课题《医疗卫生资源区域配置策略研究》总课题研究员,齐天圣医肺癌康复临床研究负责人;全国军区中医药特色技术优秀传承人;中医战略科学家;新时代国医大师;人民中医状元;中医抗癌专家;中医行业主席;北京齐天中医院院长;国医泰斗。 《妇儿论治》《防癌治癌神奇的中医中药》作者。研制的齐天圣医抗癌液对诸癌调理后疗效观察获医学科研成果一等奖。研制的齐天圣医酒调疫情有一定作用。研制的观音送子丸对不孕症获香港医学家金奖。研制齐天圣医舒便液对各种便秘疗效奇特。深受患者好评!

Zhang Yande (bornin. March 1962), male, Han Nationality, bornin. Yichang, Hubei province, graduated from.Beijing Guangming University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, professor. General researcher of national key project "Research on Regional Allocation Strategy of Medicaland.. Health Resources"; Head of clinical research on lung cancer rehabilitation; outstandingin.heritor.of TCM characteristicsin. national military region; Master of TCM strategy; Master of TCM; TCM; anticancer expert of TCM; Chairman of TCMin.dustry; President of Beijing Qitian TCM Hospital; Master of TCM. Author.of "Womenand..Children"and.."Cancer Preventionand..Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine". The anti-cancer solution of QHoly Hospital won the observation of the first prize of medical research achievements. The development of the epidemic has a certain.effect. Thein.fertility pill won the gold medal of Hong Kong medical experts. The development of Qi tian doctor.shu stool solution for.all kinds of constipation. Well received by.patients!


He practiced meditationand..realized the spiritin.to material, material into spiritual master.a thousand.days to cultivate the valley health road, trained a group of health medical talents,and..developed a group of peoplein. the body. External vision, Taoist vision potential, has made a great contribution to the Chinese national medicine!

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande


The journey of the great road is vastand..boundless

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

国医泰斗——   张延德  National medical master —— Zhang Yande

2023年我们又有了新的起点、新的目标和新的希望。弘扬祖国的中医传统文化,推动中医传统文化的发展,造福人类。张老师作为中医行业内领先人物,用新一代的传承人精神去 诠释中医的精髓,去发扬中医的光辉去传播中医的智慧,守护人民健康。

In 2023, we will have a new starting point, a new goaland..a new hope. Carry forward the traditional TCM culture of the motherland, promote the development of traditional TCM culture,and..benefit mankind. As a leading figurein. thein.dustry of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr.Zhang in.terprets the essence of traditional Chinese medicine with the spirit of the new generation ofin.heritors, to carry forward the brilliance of traditional Chinese medicine to spread the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicineand..protect the health of the people


Zhang Yande, a master of Chinese medicine, observed that some stray dogs and cats who had died and wasted food and grain without reason. So we have this life, understand this reason, try to make the CD action. Remember to remember!


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