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Global Report on Chinese Special Medicine - Chang Heping
Chang Heping: Dean of Beijing Qixiang Hongbao International Medical Research Institute, Chairman of Chongqing Qixiang Technology Development Company, Dean of China Academy of Special Medical Sciences, Deputy Director of China Health Industry Working Committee, Senior Researcher of China Academy of Management Sciences, Senior Cadre Bureau of Central Organs, Health Advisor of National Organs, Professor of Vocational Training Department of China Military Civilian Integration Committee, Doctor of International Natural Medicine, Vice Chairman of the International Union of Natural Medicine, Vice Chairman of the World Health Organization Alliance, and International Goodwill Ambassador of France, Russia, Egypt, and Tanzania. He has invented sixteen patents, including human biological software, human biological remote sensing, program control therapy, remote information therapy, eight switches for the human body, hand to disease method, various tumor and cancer treatment methods, heart disease and cerebral thrombosis treatment methods, Parkinson's disease treatment methods. Law, Meniere's disease treatment, progressive illness treatment, neurological and depression treatment, Treatment of gout, diabetes, uremia, septicemia. The above difficult diseases are all non pharmacological, that is, they are treated without medication, injection, infusion, or surgery, and have created magical effects. These patented technologies fill multiple gaps in domestic and foreign medicine. The characteristic medical treatment (special medicine) he created also fills the gaps of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. If the three medical treatments of special medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and Western medicine can be organically combined, the human medical system will be more perfect, and the human health cause will usher in a leap and sublimation of medical reform.
末学立命横空来 济世为民常和平
At the end of the school, to help the world for the people often peace
Chang peace came to the world, opened the blessing of the new era, the world for praise, heaven and earth for the vibration, all the universe space and materials have a blessing.
您,至高无上无可替代;您,无奇不有无所不能;您,天地人间无处不在; 您,光芒四射,荡然无我,聪明无比。您伸出了如来托天巨掌,您用无比温暖的双臂,怀抱着三界众生。
You, supreme irreplaceable; you, everything, omnipotent; you, heaven and earth are everywhere; you, radiant, gone without me, smart. You stretched out the hand to the day, you with very warm arms, embrace of the three beings.
You show all living beings in the universe:
What is true happiness? That is selfless without me, the heart lamp light, eternal death;
What is the truth of life? That is, to serve the people wholeheartedly;
什么是慈航普度? 那就是自我做好了一切,就是普度众生;
What is Cihang Pu Baidu? That is to do everything, is to do all living beings;
What is Cihang Pu Baidu? That is to do everything, is to do all living beings;
What is positive energy? All good thought, language, theory and behavior are positive energy;
The characteristics and functions of positive energy are reflected in: selflessness; giving happiness, happiness, health and beauty to the people; harmony, civilization and progress to the society; bringing warmth and peace to the world; the purpose of positive energy is to serve the people wholeheartedly.
You, always peace, supreme, supreme, to deep to the sea, to great, to great. For you are the strangest man since the beginning:
You are a person who let Buddha born, Lao Tzu reborn, Christ resurrected, MAO Zedong thought remained unchanged, and Lei Feng reappeared.
You are a person who drives all the time and space, grasps the law of Yin and Yang, and serves human beings. You are a person who integrates religion with the natural sciences, social sciences, life sciences and communism.
You are a person who uses easy to understand modern vernacular to inherit the phrase "Serve the people wholeheartedly" and serve the people wholeheartedly, and pushes the mood of all mankind to the highest level.
You are a collection of all the wisdom of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, let the body meaning to one, theory and practice, everyone is selfless without me, now human is a pure land, is a beautiful heaven.
You are a let wan law back to one, wan law back to selfless no I serve the people wholeheartedly.
You are a person who truly realize: give up me big me, give up me without me, no us can eternal me; let the human body and mind completely free, become holy, Buddha is the most common person, man and god together.
You are a selfless ordinary citizen without me.
You are a practitioner, altruistic, altruistic, altruistic, three steps step by step.
You are a person who truly understands that the people are the real heroes and the people are the creators of history.
You are a person from the wto practice to as long as the people wholeheartedly serve the life can become immortal.
You are a Buddha, Taoism, medicine, Confucianism, martial, foreign teachers essence into one, let the principle of the road to human beings, let people realize the way and tao.
You are a person who let me come from nothing, back to nothing.
You are a real let people understand the meaning of "the road to simple" people, the road is invisible and heartless, seriously do everything at the moment.
You are a hell into heaven, the earth into a pure land.
You are a person who supports the Communist Party of China will lead the world trend and eventually move to communism.
You are a everywhere, everywhere positive energy, dedicated to the people.
You are a person who integrates my dream, the dream of rejuvenation, the world dream, the dream of the universe and space-time, and finally realizes the great harmony of world communism.
You are a person who completely liberates people's body and mind.
You are a moisten things silently, both with all sounds to speak, and with all words and punctuation table method, without the text phase, such as the tao can be tao very tao, can also be broken sentence: tao can, tao is not, often tao.
You are a wonderful solution "don't say all law, for the degree of all heart, I have no heart, how to use all law" and spit lotus.
You are a person who combines the King Kong, Prajna, the Polyami Sutra, the noble spirit of the way of Confucius and Mencius, and the hymn of Christ, which can be condensed into a sentence of "serve the people wholeheartedly".
You are a real understanding of the road of the universe, let the law law open at the same time.
You are a with four great wishes, eight virtues eight read to express macro wishes and moral standards of the people, let people always insist on do a noble person, do a pure person, do a moral person, do a person out of the vulgar taste, do a beneficial to the people.
You are a person who makes everyone become a consciousness, not a Bodhisattva, and eventually everyone is equal and everyone is complete.
You are a person who is worthless, helpless, the vacuum is wonderful, endless people.
You are a person who makes mankind full of love, never different, let everyone become a Buddha, everyone become a way, everyone become a god, everyone is sincere,
You are a let human control their own destiny, toward auspicious and comfortable, you are a let human forever in history, the spirit is not born, into the universe without beginning without end.
常和平还注册了十六个商标,百余家媒体对他进行了报道,并担当媒体的封面人物,百余家电视台播放了常和平教授演讲的养生大讲堂,获得了二百多个奖项。常和平将在全国省、市、县建设家庭医生培训机构,培养家庭医生,让人少生病,不生病。从根本上解决因病返贪的问题,并提出了健康银行的设想,使病花钱治病为存钱治病,现金治病为积分治病,如果在全国所有医院推广这个模式,既可以制约医疗腐败,还能够从根本上实现因病脱贫。 常和平教授讲:求医不如求已,学会内求法终身不求医,我的健康我做主,再也不做小白鼠。这就是常和平教授的弘愿与目标。
Chang Heping has also registered sixteen trademarks, and over a hundred media outlets have reported on him, serving as cover figures for the media. More than a hundred television stations have broadcasted Professor Chang Heping's lecture on health preservation, winning over two hundred awards. Chang Heping will establish family doctor training institutions in provinces, cities, and counties across the country to train family doctors and prevent people from getting sick. Fundamentally solving the problem of returning to corruption due to illness, and proposing the idea of a health bank, which allows patients to save money for treatment and cash for points for treatment. If this model is promoted in all hospitals across the country, it can not only curb medical corruption but also fundamentally achieve poverty alleviation due to illness. Professor Chang Heping said: It's better to seek medical help than to seek personal help. Learn the method of seeking internal help and never seek medical help for life. My health is in my own hands, and I will never be a guinea pig again. This is Professor Chang Heping's aspiration and goal.
UNESCO Award Speech: Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nouns from ancient culture: When the disease is cured by hand, short pain is better than long pain. A quick knife cuts through the chaos, until the point is reached. In the blink of an eye, three days do not see a new look. Learn ten thousand sentences less, understand more than one sentence, pass on ten thousand books falsely, pass on one true sentence. It is better to give an inch of gold than to give a word. A word is worth a thousand gold. Sound east and strike west, treat upper level illnesses and lower level illnesses, treat left level illnesses and right level illnesses. The gas engine runs randomly, forming when gathered, and becoming invisible when scattered. These terms have all become a reality through decades of clinical practice by Mr. Chang Heping, a Chinese specialist in traditional Chinese medicine and a PhD in natural medicine. For this reason, UNESCO has specially awarded Mr. Chang Heping the "Lifetime Special Contribution Award for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Culture" as your lifelong honor collection.
My trademarks and patents: "Qixiang", "Qixiang", "Bamboo Kirin", "Qixiang Special Medicine", "Changheping", five trademarks across five major industries, "Changheping Featured Medical Treatment", "Changheping Qigong Medical Treatment", "Changheping Chinese Medical Museum", "Chinese Health Care Exercise", and patents include "Human Biological Software", "Human Biological Remote Sensing", "Program Control Therapy", "Remote Information Therapy", "Eight Switches of the Human Body", "Parkinson's Treatment", "Maynell Treatment", "Cancer Treatment", "Uremia Treatment", "diabetes Treatment", "Abortion Treatment", "Neurosis and Depression Treatment", "Gradually Frozen human therapy, gout therapy, and the above patented technologies are completed under the condition of non-drug and non-material. He has filled many gaps in the history of medicine at home and abroad, created many miracles for medical technology, and will make a leap and sublimation in the reform and innovation of contemporary medical technology.
上一篇: 聚焦两会特别报道 新岳养老产业发展(山东)集团有限公司董事长---吴秀峰
传承国医文化 凝聚奋进力量 新春特别报道著名鼻炎专家---陈彦青
爱心义诊 关爱健康记者:姚佳敏岁月无声的流淌,但历史的痕迹总会留下,中医的精髓被不断传承发展弘扬,这些都离不开那些医者仁心的医生,那些无私奉献的医生。十四五”时期,我国开启建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,中医
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